The education contains the following
Pris pr. deltager på Reformeruddannelsen: 4500,-
Du vil få tilsendt en faktura og betaling skal ske senest 14 dage inden uddannelsePrice per participant in the Reformer education: 4500, -
You will receive an invoice and payment must be made no later than 14 days before the start of the education.
In order for you to be admitted to the Energii program, we expect:
With the education you get
The Heat It Up education includes the following
We have not yet planned the next Heat It Up Mobility & Stretch training.
Price per participant in the Heat It Up education: 2000, -
In order for you to be admitted to the Energii education, we expect
With the education you get
Heat it up Classic / Cardio
Keep an eye on this page for dates for the next training. We expect 2 Heat It Up Cardio / Classic educations in 2020.
Price per participant in the Reformer education: 1800, -
In order for you to be admitted to the energy education, we expect
You must expect to spend some time during the training on preparation, training, practice along the way and self-study. Expect a few hours per week in addition to the scheduled teaching hours.
With the education you get
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